About LG Chem
Established in 1947 with headquarter in Seoul, South Korea, LG Chem has grown into a global leading chemical company through constant innovation. With focus on petrochemicals, advanced materials and life
sciences, LG Chem has more than 50 manufacturing subsidiaries and branch offices in Asia, America and Europe. In 2020, the global sales were 26.4 billion USD with more than 18,000 employees worldwide.
As one of the world's top ten chemical companies, LG Chem has always
been committed to delivering advanced, innovative and sustainable solutions for our customer, environment and society based on the vision”
We connect science to life for a better future”.
Settling in China for nearly 40 years, LG Chem has set up 10 manufacturing subsidiaries and 1 tech center. In 2004, China regional headquarter was established in Beijing. By 2020, total investment in China reached about 7.7 billion USD, and the sales achieved about 10.5 billion USD.